L. I. Mironova, E. M. Zhartayev, V.N. Alekhin


In the article competences of bachelors and areas of the Construction regulatedFederalStateeducational standards of the higher education (FSES HE) are considered. Level approach for assessment of their formation is offered (low, medium, basic, high). The substantial essence of each of levels is provided. According to the educational standard professional competences are considered in the following areas: prospecting and design activities (P&DA); production and technological and production management activity (PT&PMA); experimental and research activities (ERA); assembly and adjustment and service and operational activities (AA&SOA); business activity (BA). The mathematical model based on a method of standardization of ranks which allows to receive numerical intervals for assessment of level of formation of competence of this or that area is developed for each type of professional activity.

The algorithm of a mathematical model creation is considered. The procedure of reduction of rank estimates to a comparable form is called standardization of ranks and, in our case, will consist in the procedure of simple uniform stretching of shorter scales to the required length. For each attribute the current standardized rank is equal to a difference between the maximum and minimum appointed ranks of attribute, divided into quantity of empty cages. After holding a procedure of standardization of ranks function which behavior allows to define 4 numerical intervals which can be used for determination of level of formation of professional competences of bachelors of this or that field of construction is based.

Practical application of the developed mathematical model assumes automation of process of an assessment of level of formation of professional competence of this or that sphere of activity by means of realization in the form of the interactive program module and development of the special educational and methodical materials allowing to show to future bachelor-builder existence of practical experience in the studied spheres of activity.

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