Implementation Of Interdisciplinary Approach In The Process Of Higher Education Digital Transformation

Ludmila Mironova


The article deals with the problem of information and methodological support of the educational process in universities in the context of the digital transformation of higher education. An analysis of scientific publications on the topic of the article showed that this process can be activated by applying an interdisciplinary approach. It can be implemented by creating interdepartmental research teams at universities, the main participants of which will be future IT specialists and their leaders from among the leading teachers of IT departments. As part of the activities of these teams, digital educational resources will be developed by order of university departments and other departments of the university. At the same time, IT developers of educational resources will increase their skills in the field of creating various kinds of software. As a result of the activities of such teams, the digital educational environment of the university will be replenished with up-to-date digital educational resources and their methodological support.


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