Modeling of the ventilation systems using the software epanet

A.V. Nekrasov


The software EPANET is designed to simulate the movement of water (incompressible fluid) in hydraulic networks. When designing ventilation systems, the density of air inside them is also often considered constant. Thus, theoretically, the application can be used to simulate the operation of many types of ventilation systems. It is shown that, provided the system is represented as a graph using the proposed method of adjusting the gravitational head, EPANET can be successfully used to calculate natural and hybrid ventilation systems. At the same time, not only the required accuracy is achieved, but it is possible to verify the correctness of the design solutions for various combinations of parameters of the outside and inside air. The engineer has the opportunity to take into account the effect of wind pressure, features of the operation of supply and exhaust devices of various types and thereby significantly reduce the design time.

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