Y. V. Anikin, V. I. Shilkov


The article substantiates the necessity of using modern materials and technologies for purifying industrial wastewater, because the problem of processing waste products of galvanic production of machine-building enterprises is very important. The current situation in this area leads to environmental pollution by hazardous substances (CN, Cr6+, F, Cd2+), irrational use of raw materials and significant economic losses. Investigation of ways out of it is an urgent task. The results of a study of water supply and wastewater treatment problems are analyzed, i.e. the authors analyze the processing of technological solutions and wastewater, emphasizing the possibility of extracting valuable components and returning purified water to production. The authors propose to use hydrogen peroxide and hydrazine as a reagent for the extraction of metals at low salinity process water. An integrated approach to the analysis of the use of reagents, materials and technologies of wastewater treatment of industrial enterprises is proposed.

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